One thing I feel strongly about is that there is no one way when it comes to treating an ailment. When you need help go and get it. Start with common sense if you have an accident or are injured or very ill go first to the emergency room. If you are catching something take an allopathic doctor's appointment.
Once you have your allopath's opinion and his treatment has commenced then if you are unsatisfied look at other means to heal yourself in CONJUNCTION with what is prescribed by your allopath. There are so very many alternative therapies and holistic treatments ranging form alternative medications like homeopathy and ayurveda to the energy therapies like reikhi, pranic, theta healing and physical therapies like yoga, acupuncture, acupressure, cupping etc. Try them out see what feels good for and to you and just do it.
Most people would think if a qualified, certified and experienced yoga therapist, pranic healing instructor, theta practicing intuitive therapist like me writes this there has to be a catch, well there is none. I honestly think allopathic medicine is great at treating the physical body and known ailments and illnesses. It is also great for zapping our known bacteria and some viruses and it works for the most part rather quickly compared to some alternative therapies, but there are huge drawbacks and risks too.
The most common therapy offered by allopaths are drugs, although they do help in pain management and do whatever they are supposed to do they zap us of a lot of what is natural and healthy within our physical body as well which in turn saps us of our energies. A dramatic example of this is chemotherapy, which kills cancer cells, but also ends up murdering lots of our healthy cells that cause havoc within the physical body apart form the obvious vomiting, hair loss, pain and weakness.
Allopathy has a poor track record of guaranteeing a permanent solution for ailments because allopathic diagnosis starts and stops with the body. Allopathy fails to recognise the power of thoughts, emotions, feelings and even if you consider that all airy fairy allopaths do not take into consideration one's mental state.
If pushed and they are unable to make a clear diagnosis allopaths label patients as hypochondriacs and dismiss what is wrong with them or they go with the nearest an allopath does to acknowledging a ones mind and shunt their patient off to the pariah of allopathic thought the psychotherapist!
The issue is not simply one of arrogance or ego it is simply ignorance or the inability to accept the frontiers of health lye beyond the physical human body. Allopathic diagnosis starts and stops with the physical body and its components. An alternative therapist is just not limited. If necessary they start with the physical body and then go to consider every possible phenomena that the individual is exposed to and experiencing right from diet to feelings, thoughts, beliefs etc.
An alternative therapist will actually weigh all those factors too our and get to the root issue which when resolved will permanently cure one of their ailment. Unfortunately most people only come to an alternative therapist when their condition is so chronic it reflects in the physical body. At that stage it is crucial for the patient to see an allopathic practitioner in conjunction with their alternative healer. Holistic and alternative therapies when used in together bring about an extremely speedy recovery.
It is always a good idea to keep both your Allopathic and other healer updated on what the other is doing. In some cases your Doctor may advise against something prescribed by your other healer. As a highly qualified, certified and experienced Alternative and Holistic Therapist I always say stick to what your medical professional says!
If you are consulting a homeopath or an ayurvedic or any other type of therapist who gives a prescription do bear in mind that regardless of their title as Dr. they are alternative physicians. You do ALSO need to consult an allopath depending on the severity of your ailment. If your allopath has recommended prescription drugs you may be able to use alternative prescriptions at the same time but it is crucial to consult with your alternative physician before you start using allopathic drugs as to how you should continue with their prescription or alter it.
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